How U.C.E.G. Method Helps Roger CPA Review Students

Do you use Roger CPA Review?

Wonder if Ultimate CPA Exam Guide (U.C.E.G.) Method would help you succeed faster?

Then you have come to the right place! U.C.E.G. Method is designed to optimize how you study with Roger CPA Review.

Roger Phillip, CPA is one of the best/most entertaining instructors in the industry, but they provide very limited support on how to specifically step-by-step study with their platform, manage your time, your social life or any of the other soft skills required to pass the CPA exam.

This can leave CPA candidates frustrated and overwhelmed… and in my experience this can be the reason a CPA candidate gives up on the exam altogether.

I asked all of my Roger CPA Review mentees in the U.C.E.G. Method Private Study Group if Ultimate CPA Exam Guide was helping them supplement the lack of support provided by Roger CPA Review and here were their responses.

What Roger CPA Review Students Think About Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

Amanda’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Needed a mentor

– Very impressed with the U.C.E.G. program

– Price was not bad and a great investment

Drew’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– After failing FAR four times knew he needed a mentor to help him correct what he was doing wrong.
– Happy with U.C.E.G.

Cami’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Recommends!

Garrett’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Found U.C.E.G. helpful so far!

Leonard’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Recommends!

Kyle’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Recommends!

U.C.E.G. + Roger Success Stories

My favorite days of each quarter are CPA exam score release days!

There is always a flood of success stories (and also some stories from folks who didn’t pass).

The success stories are fuel for those who are struggling showing that there can be a light at the end of the tunnel.

The folks who share they failed create an opportunity for the  community to pick them back up and help them figure out what went wrong.

Here’s just a few of the most recent success stories our Roger Mentees have shared 🙂

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